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Deficit On It: Watching the US Descend Into Bankruptcy

I was amused at the title “Cash Drains From Treasury as Republicans and Democrats Dither” by Terence P. Jeffrey, who is the author of the book Control Freaks: 7 Ways Liberals Plan to Ruin Your Life….

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State Budget Woes Ensure QE to Infinity

How many years will it take for the Great Recession to be recognized as another depression by excessive debt? It is certain to be long after that fact. Clearly, the media coverage of the financial woes and the social consequences of the solutions proposed to solve them are not limited to the Midwest. Budget shortfalls … Continue reading

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State Debt Crisis Approaching

I have warned that a debt crisis of a magnitude we have never experienced before is approaching. States and municipalities are going bankrupt along with the Federal government. Economists foolishly applaud sub-3% growth in GDP when it took a $1 trillion budget deficit to produce. There is some serious misunderstanding of the fundamentals of our economy right … Continue reading

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Euro Debt Crisis Bankruptcy Bailout Queue, Protect Savings & Deposits From Banks Going Bankrupt!

The global banking system that publicly went bankrupt during September 2008 prompting government interventions in the form of capital injections, buying of toxic assets, insurance of bad debts and even outright nationalisation’s has started to bankrupt the states that bailed them out, starting with the smaller states with Iceland setting the ball rolling, and this … Continue reading

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