Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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Gold & Silver Need to Hold These Support Levels

Gold has important short-term support at $2000 and Silver does at $22. If the metals lose those levels then there could be more selling. However, it could setup a significant low before the spring.

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Gold to Break $2100 This Spring

David Skarica @scotday talks about his investment philosophy, Gold’s potential and maximum pessimism in the gold stocks and junior gold stocks.

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This Company Owns Best Undeveloped Silver Project

Michael Konnert, the founder & CEO of Vizsla Silver joins us to discuss Viszla Silver and the company’s Panuco project and why it could be the best undeveloped silver project.

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What Happens to Gold & Silver When Stock Market Breaks Out?

For the fourth time in the last 10 years, the stock market broke to a new all-time high after consolidating for a few years or crashing as it did during Covid. Two of the previous three instances marked significant peaks for precious metals. The other in 2019, came after precious metals corrected for three years … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks are Cheap and Hated

This week, I published a video update evaluating whether gold stocks are cheap or undervalued. There is a difference. But I digress.   After publishing the video and reviewing the comments, my biggest takeaway was that gold stocks are hated.    After a nearly three-and-a-half-year-long bear market, one can imagine how investors and speculators feel … Continue reading

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Interest on Debt Hits $1 Trillion

Interest Payments on the Debt Hit $1 Trillion. As a percentage of federal income and federal spending, it is closing in on all-time highs. This could matter for Gold and markets when it exceeds the 1940s and 1990s peaks or when the bond market takes another leg lower and the 10-year yield hits or surpasses … Continue reading

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Are Gold Stocks Cheap or Undervalued? Or Both?

Gold Miners are definitely cheap as multiple valuation metrics are at historically low levels. When viewing a history of valuations going back as far as the 1980s we find current valuations indicating a secular bear market. Valuation indicators last peaked around 2003-2006. There is a difference between price and value. Cheap refers to price and … Continue reading

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