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Ted Butler’s Analysis of COT
Ted Butler on King World News…
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Ted Butler on King World News…
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In today’s 31 page premium update we unveiled our new JR Gold Index. It consists of 25 stocks which are equally weighted and most fit in our target range of $100 to $600 million in market cap. How a billion dollar company can be called a junior, is beyond me. The second chart show the … Continue reading
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Trendsman and Jason Burack discuss yesterday’s news in the Gold market…news out of China and the Kinross buyout of Redback Mining. Listen to the 9 minute clip below…. [ad#300×250 White Text Ad]
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From These days it is popular and conventional to be a contrarian. It seems that almost everyone tries to figure out what everyone else is thinking/doing so that they can then do the opposite. Right now, for example, it seems that almost everyone thinks that almost everyone else is bullish on gold, and, therefore, … Continue reading
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Once again we see a display of ignorance towards all things Gold and inflation on Fast Money, which in reality equates to “Lose Money” if you follow their advice on precious metals. Vic Sperandeo is a 40-year trading veteran who has traded for the likes of George Soros and Leon Cooperman. You can see the … Continue reading
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In last night’s 18-page update we covered the large cap gold stocks. We analyzed sentiment indicators for the gold stocks with our near-term expectations for Gold. Finally we showed where and how to take action on the gold stocks going forward. Sign-up here for a Free 14-Day Trial
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Certain may not be the best word to use in a post-bubble world. Is anything truly certain? Ok maybe not. If you don’t like certain then lets replace it with “highly probable.” So why is it highly probable that gold stocks will go higher? Let me digress for a moment. Making big money isn’t all … Continue reading
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We are going to do a few podcasts per week with various guests. Friend and colleague Dave Skarica was here for our first podcast. Listen below for our comments on the current outlook for precious metals:
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Why have gold stocks been weak? Lest we forget, they follow a typical seasonal pattern. Which Gold Stocks should you be looking at? Subscribe to our service….you get a free 14-day trial!
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My publishers and I, this Sunday, will be hosting a two hour webinar talking all things Gold & Silver. Here is the outline for the webinar: