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Further Declines in Gold

The fall in the price of gold has triggered a new run on physical gold that shows no sign of abating.

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How to Trade Gold, Silver & Precious Metal Miners

How to trade Gold and other precious metals related investments is not that complex. But you must be willing to wait for price to provide low risk entry points before getting involved.

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The case against deflation

Regular readers will know I am in the inflation, possibly hyperinflation camp; but there are those that think the future is more likely to be deflationary. In the main this is the view of neoclassical economists, Keynesians and monetarists, who generally foresee a 1930s-style slump unless the economy is stimulated out of it.

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Macro Sleight of Hand is Working, for Now

Right in plain site, the Federal Reserve is doing this to the US money supply. It is a hockey stick with the blade pointing up, but will one day turn into a big, bloated chicken and come home to roost. The Fed’s global counterparts continue apace with inflation as well. Meanwhile, economic data like M2′s … Continue reading

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Gold Charts Suggest That the Decline May Not Be Over Yet

The Wall Street Journal had an especially colorful metaphor to describe what has happened to the price of gold that fateful week when gold tumbled 13% in the two sessions through April 15, the biggest drop in 33 years.

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Gold: Struttin’ with Attitude

There goes gold again, doing something today it has only been able to do 8 other times in its entire bull market beginning in 2001.

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Silver’s Underperformance Against Gold

What happened on Friday, April 12 and Monday, April 15 on gold and silver markets looked like a gigantic earthquake – a drop of about $200 (13%) for the yellow and almost $5 (18%) for the silver metal. There has been a lot of hyperbole going on.

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