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Correction Over, Gold & Gold Stocks Eyeing New Highs

In a bull market corrections can end quickly. One minute you are projecting another 5-10% downside and the next, the market has left lower prices in the dust. A negative reaction to the Federal Reserve statement could have caused lower prices but instead Gold and gold stocks are now primed for new highs. Fundamentally, we … Continue reading

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Gold Demand Remains Stable During Sector Weakness

My favorite indicator for real time Gold demand is the amount of Gold in the GLD and its fluctuations over time. As we wrote in our book, the driving force for Gold is investment demand which is driven by changes in real interest rates. Western-based investment demand from big money (i.e Stan Druckenmiller and George … Continue reading

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The Upside Potential in Junior Gold Stocks

Our research continues to argue that the current, record rebound in gold stocks will continue. Every time we’ve predicted a correction, the weakness in the sector has been only a fraction of what we expected in both price and time. New bull markets that follow epic bear markets typically show exceptional strength in their first … Continue reading

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Jason Zweig: Still Wrong on Gold

Jason Zweig, who a year ago called Gold a “pet rock” is doubling down. He reiterates his belief, albeit a misguided one that Gold is a pet rock and justifies it with the usual anti gold bug propaganda. Unfortunately, Zweig along with many gold-bashers and ironically some gold bugs continue to either neglect Gold’s major … Continue reading

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Breakouts Galore in Gold & Silver

Gold broke-out last week on Brexit while Silver waited a week to join the party. The miners, meanwhile cleared 2014 resistance today. There are breakouts across the board in the precious metals space.   The weekly candle charts of Gold and Silver are plotted in the image below. Gold appears to have digested the Brexit … Continue reading

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2014 Resistance Holding Gold Stocks after Brexit

What a last 24 hours for markets! At one point Gold was up $100/oz, S&P futures were limit down and the British Pound was down over 8%! The volatility has subsided, perhaps temporarily and Gold settled around $1320/oz with Silver settling below key resistance at $18. The miners predictably gapped up but the strength was … Continue reading

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Bull Markets that Follow Epic Bears

The gold mining stocks continue to defy any bearish price action or perceived bearish development. Pundits first warned because of the “bearish” CoT data. The commercials are always right and a big decline is coming! Then we heard the miners were too overbought and would have to correct 20%. (I thought this once or twice!) … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks Retreat at Resistance

Over the past two weeks gold stocks have surged more than 20% as the awful jobs report forced the bears to capitulate. That strong of a move in a brief amount of time will naturally slow or correct. Furthermore, gold stocks touched resistance Friday morning which led to a bearish reversal. While the bullish trend … Continue reading

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Nobody Knows Anything, A Book Review

Nobody Knows Anything: Learn to Ignore the Experts, the Gurus and Other Fools is the latest book written by Bob Moriarty, a former fighter pilot and longtime proprietor of 321Gold, one of oldest and most widely followed gold websites. In the book Bob touches on his own experience both in life and in the markets … Continue reading

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Are Junior Gold Stocks Following 2008-2009 Recovery?

Weeks ago precious metals began a correction amid overbought conditions (in the miners) and very bullish sentiment in the metals. The recent Fed minutes helped accelerate the weakness but it lost steam in recent days. A real stinker of a jobs report completely reversed the thought that the Fed would hike rates in the summer … Continue reading

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