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Are Junior Gold Stocks Following 2008-2009 Recovery?

Weeks ago precious metals began a correction amid overbought conditions (in the miners) and very bullish sentiment in the metals. The recent Fed minutes helped accelerate the weakness but it lost steam in recent days. A real stinker of a jobs report completely reversed the thought that the Fed would hike rates in the summer … Continue reading

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Gold Looking Vulnerable While Gold Stocks Correct

Last week we highlighted our gold stocks bull analog chart which showed the gold stocks correcting at least 20% at this point during both the 2008-2009 and 2000-2001 recoveries. We concluded that gold stocks were likely to continue to correct in the days and weeks ahead. While that has played out so far, we should … Continue reading

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Correction or Final Push Higher?

Despite maintaining an overbought condition and despite the recent bearish posture of many sector pundits, the gold stocks have yet to correct more than 11%. Since the end of January the gold stocks have held above their 50-day moving averages, which is often support during a strong trend. If the gold stocks break their lows … Continue reading

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Misreading the CoTs, Again

Nearly two months ago I published a video in which I discussed conventional CoT analysis and the mistake many investors might make assuming Gold and gold stocks would undergo a big correction. The fact is a bull market that follows a nasty bear usually stays very overbought throughout its first year and therefore sentiment indicators … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks: Extended but More Upside Potential

What a move in the gold stocks! The sector has refused to correct for more than a few days at a time. All weakness has been bought as a wall of worry has been built and the sector emerges from a historic low that could be on par with the 1942 low in the stock … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks Climbing Epic Wall of Worry

The gold stocks have had a tremendous rally in recent months that has left most investors and even gold bulls on the sidelines. From low tick to high tick GDXJ has more than doubled while GDX has nearly doubled. Indices such as the HUI and XAU have more than doubled. It has been a fantastic … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks Breakout, Gold to Follow

Last week we concluded: As long as the gold stocks continue to hold support for another week or two then the near term outlook is bullish. A bull flag is a consolidation pattern that separates two strong moves. It could be developing in the miners. There is logical reason to be cautious if not bearish … Continue reading

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What to Watch For in Gold & Gold Stocks

Gold and gold stocks finally showed a bit of weakness during the holiday shortened week. Gold had its biggest weekly loss in months, losing 3% to $1217/oz while the miners (GDX, GDXJ) declined about 5%. Silver lost 4%. If weakness in Gold and gold stocks continues then we should turn our attention to technical support … Continue reading

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Precious Metals Ignore Correction Calls

Gold and gold stocks have refused to correct for more than a few days at a time. Weakness is being bought and quickly. Gold has gained over $200/oz but not corrected by more than 6%. The miners (GDX) have endured three roughly 10% corrections in the past six weeks but nothing greater. A few weeks … Continue reading

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