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Watch the Bond Market, Not Bank Lending or Velocity

A few weeks ago we wrote about the true cause of hyperinflation, which is a major break or failure in the bond market. It has nothing to do with demand, bank lending or the velocity of money as many have suggested. It is a confidence issue….

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Gold Sentiment Updated

…I look at many things to track sentiment. In terms of Gold we have COTs and various sentiment surveys among other things. The ISE put-call data has been the most reliable…

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Where is the Value in the Precious Metals Sector?

…Interestingly, the best value is now at the very bottom of the food chain. Some people call these the crap juniors or the garbage juniors. I refer to them as the lower tier juniors…

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Bloomberg: Dollar Optimism Soars to 18-Month High

….Investors are the most bullish on the dollar since the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. on speculation the U.S. economy will expand at a faster pace than in Europe and Japan, a survey of Bloomberg users showed….

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