Video Update

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Two Charts That Show Gold is Scary Cheap

The Gold price against the US Monetary Base and the percentage backing of our current Gold reserves (at the current market price) shows how far cheap Gold is compared to levels of the last bull market. Relative to the 1980 and Great Depression era peaks, Gold is going for pennies today. Click Here to Learn … Continue reading

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Best Indicator for Recession & Stock Market Downturn

The steepening in the yield curve from inversion to above 0 is the best indicator of an imminent recession. The decline in the 2-year yield relative to the Fed Funds rate usually precedes the start of rate cuts, which is bearish for the stock market and economy in the context of the recession signal. Click … Continue reading

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Gold & Silver Biding Their Time

Gold closed up 1% this week while Silver gained slightly and miners were down. Gold & Silver remain in correction mode. Gold is outperforming Silver. The key question next week and beyond is if Gold will continue to hold $2300 or not. We discuss support levels should Gold lose $2300. Click Here to Learn About … Continue reading

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Gold’s Relative Strength Perks Up

Gold has broken out against Oil and is inches from breaking out against equal weighted Commodities index. It has already crushed Bonds. Is the stock market next? Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Gold & Silver Slammed

Precious Metals were slammed on Friday. Gold lost over 3% while Silver lost nearly 7% and the miners were down ~7%. We evaluate the recent action and the key support levels and downside targets for Gold, Silver & GDX, GDXJ, and SILJ. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Gold & Silver Cooling Off Before Summer

Gold and Silver closed May making new monthly all-time highs but appear to be cooling off before the summer. The path of least resistance for Gold, Silver and the miners over the next week to two weeks looks to be lower. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Gold Stocks Will Not Crash in the Coming Recession

There is a history of precious metals diverging from the stock market (cyclically) and it has occurred during stagflation and around the start of secular bear markets in stocks. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Silver Could Run to $50 Before Big Correction

We cover Silver’s performance following the breakouts and impulsive advances of the last 55 years. There are a total of 8 to 10 depending on how you measure. History shows that once Silver breaks out and starts moving, it rarely corrects to the 100-day moving average. It remains overbought and runs hot. Click Here to … Continue reading

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Bearish Reversal in Gold & Silver

Gold reversed lower after a false new high, losing 3% on the week. Silver and the miners held up better, losing 2.5% and 3%-4% respectively. In this video we discuss downside targets and support levels in Gold, Silver and the miners. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Silver Surges to $31 Gold Past $2400

Silver cleared $29 resistance and is in breakout mode as Gold has rebounded to near its previous high at $2417. Silver could retest the breakout at $29 but retest or not, it appears headed to that strong target at $34-$35. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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