Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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The Path to Hyperinflation

As we’ve discussed recently, persistent deflationary forces do not augur for a repeat of Japan circa 1990s or the US in the 1930s. Instead, because of the inability of governments to finance their current and future debt burden (there is a dearth of domestic savings and global capital), deflationary forces will ultimately lead to severe … Continue reading

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MarketWatch on Gold Sentiment

It is a few days old but relevant and somewhat actionable. The piece is here: Quoting the important parts: More clearly encouraging are the sentiment measures. Both MarketVane’s Bullish Consensus for gold and the Hulbert Gold Newsletter Sentiment Index actually went down last week — MarketVane by 3 points to 74% and the HGNSI … Continue reading

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Deflation and Economic Weakness Are the Best Catalysts for Gold

Recently, I had written about how a deflationary impulse in the capital markets would be a catalyst for the gold stocks. This turned out to be accurate as stocks and commodities weakened while treasuries and the US Dollar advanced. Gold and gold stocks also moved higher. Nevermind the comments I received about how we are … Continue reading

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Gold & Silver: The Only Game in Town 2010-2011

There are numerous reasons both fundamental and technical as to why the precious metals complex will surge over the next 18 months. The sector’s surge will be reinforced by the lack of an obvious trend in most other markets. Gold, Silver and the mining stocks will surge while other markets languish. First let us look … Continue reading

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Gold Will Emerge as the Only Safe Haven

In the wake of continuing global financial turmoil, we hear quite a bit about “safe havens.” Ask someone today and they’d tell you that the US Treasuries are a safe haven and probably Gold also. On a day-to-day basis, certainly the US Dollar and US Treasuries are safe havens. The financial media loves to point … Continue reading

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All Aboard the Gold Train as Recognition Move Approaches

Since early 2009 we’ve written about the super-bullish long-term cup and handle pattern in Gold. It dates back to 1980 and has a logarithmic target of about $2,100. We noted that previous cup and handle patterns in Gold all reached their logarithmic target1. We expect that this move to $2,100 will be the recognition move … Continue reading

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Frank Holmes: What Gold Bubble?

You think Gold is a bubble? Take a look at the chart of Gold’s performance this bull market against the 1970s. There isn’t any comparison….

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Commodity Online Sentiment Poll

Commodity Online polled over 20,000 respondents on the near-term prognosis for Gold. Here are some snippets from the piece:

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