Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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Gold & Silver Whipsaw Traders & Market Timers

Latest whipsaws in Gold cloud prognosis into next week and the end of month and end of the quarter. Gold, for now, has support at $2300 and Silver has initial support around $29. The miners are providing some encouragement. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Rick Rule: Gold Price Over Next 5 Years Will Truly Surprise People

Rick Rule provides some history lessons on juniors in the 1960s and 1970s and shares his current thoughts on developers, producers and explorers. He mentions several stocks in passing and informs us on his most recent buys. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Two Charts That Show Gold is Scary Cheap

The Gold price against the US Monetary Base and the percentage backing of our current Gold reserves (at the current market price) shows how far cheap Gold is compared to levels of the last bull market. Relative to the 1980 and Great Depression era peaks, Gold is going for pennies today. Click Here to Learn … Continue reading

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Best Indicator for Recession & Stock Market Downturn

The steepening in the yield curve from inversion to above 0 is the best indicator of an imminent recession. The decline in the 2-year yield relative to the Fed Funds rate usually precedes the start of rate cuts, which is bearish for the stock market and economy in the context of the recession signal. Click … Continue reading

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Gold & Silver Biding Their Time

Gold closed up 1% this week while Silver gained slightly and miners were down. Gold & Silver remain in correction mode. Gold is outperforming Silver. The key question next week and beyond is if Gold will continue to hold $2300 or not. We discuss support levels should Gold lose $2300. Click Here to Learn About … Continue reading

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Like Exploration? Buy Gold & Silver Producers

  When most people think of juniors, they think about exploration companies and drill plays.   The appeal of these stocks is their huge upside potential. One drill hole can change everything and make you rich.   However, the odds of success are extremely low. There are thousands of failures for every monumental success, … Continue reading

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Gold’s Relative Strength Perks Up

Gold has broken out against Oil and is inches from breaking out against equal weighted Commodities index. It has already crushed Bonds. Is the stock market next? Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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Gold & Silver Slammed

Precious Metals were slammed on Friday. Gold lost over 3% while Silver lost nearly 7% and the miners were down ~7%. We evaluate the recent action and the key support levels and downside targets for Gold, Silver & GDX, GDXJ, and SILJ. Click Here to Learn About TheDailyGold Premium

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