Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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My Interview with Dave Skarica

Yesterday I interviewed friend and colleague Dave Skarica, of We discussed Treasuries, the Sovereign Debt bubble, the US Dollar, Gold and Gold Stocks.

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My Interview with Todd Harrison

Last week I interviewed Todd Harrison, founder and CEO of Minyanville. The main topic of our conversation was currencies and how action in the currency market (specifically the US$) could be a trigger for the next phase of this crisis, which has also morphed into a socioeconomic crisis. We talked about the chances of a … Continue reading

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Jon Nadler Short-Term View on Gold (Video)

Jon Nadler is somewhat of a bear on Gold. Rarely have I heard him project an advance in Gold. That being said, some worthwhile analysis here- at least for your consideration. [ad]

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Bespoke: US Gov Spent $1.90 for Every $1 in Income

Don’t we all wish we live like that? Folks, it is simple why Gold and Silver are rising. It is because of sovereign debt default concerns. How can the US and the UK finance growing these record budget gaps when spending is increasing and tax receipts are stagnant? And as we mentioned in previous posts, … Continue reading

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James Grant: Requiem for the Dollar

In this long essay from The Wall Street Journal, James Grant of Grant’s Interest Rate Observer remarks that the Federal Reserve “isn’t overtly manipulating” the gold market. His implication is that the Fed might be manipulating the gold market covertly. Maybe this is a small step in the right direction by someone who surely is erudite enough to know better already.

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David Morgan on Gold (Video)

David Morgan is one of the world’s foremost silver experts, if not the top expert. In this video he provides his short-term analysis on Gold.

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