Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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David Rosenberg: Gold to Hit $3000

This, according to his daily commentary, noted at the Business Insider. He does utter the “crowded trade” phrase.

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Richard Russell’s Latest Comment

Richard Russell is the dean of newsletter writers, having started in the 1960s or 1970s. He has been bullish on Gold since 2000. I know a lot of folks like to say they were bullish on Gold in 2000 or 2001, but that is just dishonest. It is the folks like Russell who count, because … Continue reading

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Media Clowns Can’t Get it Right, Re: Gold/US$

Is it just me or is anyone else tired of all this talk about Gold FOLLOWING the US$’s lead? Turn on the news and they’ll talk about how a falling US$ pushes Gold higher.

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James Turk: Welcome to Stage 2 of Gold Bull

James Turk is the CEO of GoldMoney and author of the Free Gold Money Report. Quoting from the commentary: Gold is now in its second stage, and of course, the worries don’t disappear.  They never do because there are always emotional reactions that at first blush offer seemingly plausible reasons for not taking the right … Continue reading

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Interesting Gold Charts

Chris Puplava at FinancialSense has some interesting gold charts in his latest weekly commentary.

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My interview with Jim Rogers

Yesterday I interviewed Jim Rogers, who obviously needs no introduction. I emailed him and we were able to do the interview the same day. The thing which differentiates Rogers from others is that he not only answers the exact questions asked of him but he answers thoroughly. His humble nature, in addition to the knowledge … Continue reading

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The Interest Rate Argument against Gold

This is a typical argument that many mainstream gold bears make. It goes like this…. “As soon as the Fed raises rates, it will pop the Gold bubble and the US$ will bottom” This is totally ridiculous. First, it is real interest rates that matter. Rates need to be 2-3% above the level of inflation. … Continue reading

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Gold Contrarians Will Get Killed

First, let me debunk the bubble callers and those who say Gold is a crowded trade. I’ve heard at least three different people say this. Google that and you’ll be amazed at the number of results. Here are some excellent charts.

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