Commentaries, Silver

Capitulation Zone Explained In Silver


Like most things, you’re reading my ‘handwritten’ computer notes. The capitulation zone can be best characterized as the point where those beating the grass (strong hands) are finding it difficult to locate snakes (weak hands) to scare.

The big flush since April illustrates repositioning within the secular trend. These setups tend to foreshadow acceleration compressions within the trend. That is, fairly fast doublings – i.e. shock and awe style moves.

Silver London P.M Fixed and the COT Futures and Options Open Interest Stochastic Weighted Average


Could you please explain the ‘CAPITULATION ZONE (and anything else you could offer on the ‘SHOCK N AWE’ move potentially occurring in silver).

Many thanks. I know NO ONE who called the first move. Many mining execs I chat with say they NEVER saw it coming.

All the best,


PS: Love the BATMAN reference. Huge Adam West fan. He was classic playing himself in a KINGS OF QUEENS episode.

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