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“Three Peaks and the Domed House” Pattern Suggests Gold Going to $1,290!

There are a number of different ways to look at what has been happening with the price of gold and silver of late and to anticipate what is next in store for this precious metal. One of the most unique ways of assessing past, present and future movement is by taking a look at the “Three Peaks and the Domed House” and “Bump and Run” chart pattern. Indeed, the “Three Peaks” pattern suggests that gold has peaked and will now decline by 17% to $1,290 per ozt. in June.

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Gold Burning up the Chart: My Gold Advice

What a few months it has been for gold. With war worries in Libya to debt concerns in Europe and the United States, along with rising demand out of China and India, it appears to be the perfect storm for driving gold prices higher. In fact, the break at $1,500 was much sooner than I had expected and, based on the chart, prices could go even higher, albeit the buying may be somewhat ahead of itself and hence vulnerable to some profit-taking.

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Goldrunner: Gold on Track to Reach $1860 – $1920 by Mid-year

The Golden Parabola is continuing to follow the cycle of the 70’s Gold Bull as the U.S. Dollar is further devalued against Gold to balance the budget of the United States at this point in the “paper currency cycle” where Global Competitive Currency Devaluations rule.

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Silver: Runaway Move, Correction, Or Crash?

Silver attempted to take out 50 on Monday of this week and instead had a big reversal day as it temporarily ran out of gas.  Then after testing 45 the following day silver has moved higher after the Bernanke press conference and is once again approaching 50.  For the very short term silver appears to … Continue reading

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Think Silver Has Gone Parabolic.

This essay will attempt to address the question of whether or not silver prices are in a bubble, or possibly may be turning into a bubble and if so what trading strategies may be suited to the situation. This article will hopefully provide another string to the readers bow in attempting to identify bubbles and being able to protect one’s portfolio and even potentially profit from them. For the record we feel it is prudent to state our view upfront, we do not think silver is in a bubble at this point in time. However we think that it is likely that it will become a bubble in the future, but we cannot say when or at what price.

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Gold to Silver Ratio (GSR)

Morning Observations: (1) Critical support tends to be tested as resistance. (2) Silver has become an explosive market. (3) The lower magnet is not done pulling. Gold to Silver Ratio (GSR), Monthly Average Price: Source:

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Can Gold Fly Under the Radar?

Gold is currently brushing aside seemingly bearish gold news revolving around Bin Laden’s death and moving higher. This rally in gold has a lot more to do with the debt crisis than terrorism. Commentators predicting gold’s demise based on recent events are just proving how clueless they are. Since silver’s huge run-up, gold has looked a … Continue reading

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Goldrunner: “$52 to $56 Silver by Mid-year” Update

Back on February 18th I wrote an editorial showing that Silver could rocket up to $52 to $56 by mid-year. At the time of the writing Silver was sitting a little above $32 on the price chart. The original chart work was based off of the fractal chart work I do with Silver from previous fractal time periods.

  • As seen on: