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Interview with Mike Swanson, WallSt Window

Mike Swanson of WallStWindow interviewed us yesterday to get our thoughts on the latest developments in precious metals and the stock market. Listen here…  

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Interview with WallStreetforMainStreet

Today, Jason Burack of WallStforMainSt interviewed us. It was a long interview and we discussed many topics related to Gold and gold stocks.  

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Interview with Kitco

In this interview with Kitco I share my view that gold stocks are in a new bull market and will continue to trend higher this year. However, I noted that there could be a 20% correction in progress and if not then it will happen in the summer.  

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Interview with Palisade Radio

Thursday I discussed the state of precious metals markets (Gold, Silver, gold stocks) with Collin Kettell of Palisade Radio. The theme for the interview was the biggest risk for investors is being out of the Gold market, rather than being in it.

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Interview with Mike Swanson

Today, Mike Swanson of WallStWindow interviewed me to get my latest thoughts on Gold and gold stocks. Click Here to Listen to the Interview  

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Interview with Palisade Radio: Is Gold in a New Bull Market?

Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT is confident the bottom is in for gold stocks. Although, the gold price rebound is not as strong as other historic rebounds and gold needs to close this month above 1180 to lock in the long term bullish trend. Jordan believes that gold will likely test the 1200 mark again this month … Continue reading

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