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Interview with Palisade Radio: Impending US$ Breakout

The US Dollar is just 1% away from a new high. Meanwhile, gold just made a new low for the current bear market. So what’s next for gold investors? Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT is a Chartered Market Technician and member of the Market Technicians Association.. He is the publisher and editor of TheDailyGold Premium, a publication … Continue reading

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Interview with CrushtheStreet

We share our latest thoughts on precious metals, the stock market, interest rates and more!  

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Interviewed by Mike Swanson, WallStreetWindow

Mike Swanson of Wall Street Window interviewed us yesterday. We covered Gold, gold stocks and the stock market. Click Here for the MP3 file. You can also listen to the video below.    

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Interview with Wall Street Window

This interview was conducted Tuesday. We share our latest thoughts on the precious metals sector. Go Here to listen to the mp3 file at Mike Swanson’s website. Here is the interview on our YouTube Channel….    

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Interview with Mike Swanson, WallStreetWindow

Yesterday I spoke with Mike Swanson of WallStreetWindow. I gave my thoughts on the action in Gold and gold stocks post-Fed. Listen the clip below:  

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Rethinking the US$ Interview

Mike from RethinkingTheDollar was kind enough to interview me about my book as well as my thoughts on the future of Gold and the US$.  

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