Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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Why Gold Stocks are Struggling Despite Record Gold Price

Gold looks fantastic. It is breaking away from a consolidation which could be called a running correction. Two weeks ago Gold broke to a new high. Last week Gold retested the breakout and then advanced to another new high at the end of the week. Its textbook bullish action. Yet the gold shares have really … Continue reading

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Gold at Record Highs, but Bullish Sentiment Lags

Over the past few weeks Gold has traded at or near record highs. It has yet to embark on a sustained breakout but that is not because Gold is a crowded trade. In recent months money has moved into equities, Oil and Silver. As a result, some hot money and speculative money has moved out … Continue reading

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Targets for Gold Stocks

Earlier this week the precious metals complex achieved a breakout. Today, (Friday) we are seeing upside follow through in the gold shares. Follow through validates the breakout. Also, as we’ve noted on our charts, the gold shares are performing well against Gold. We like to see the shares exhibiting superior strength. GDXJ the ETF for … Continue reading

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Gold Breakout and Silver Going Parabolic

We obviously have been too cautious on Silver. The metal has been on a tear and has shown no weakness in the past few weeks. Our upside targets were $37 and $39. A clean break of $39, which seems imminent will send the market to $45 and possibly $50. Monday was the start of a … Continue reading

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Why the Next Move in Gold Could Be Big

In recent weeks Gold has made new highs but they have been marginal. That is not what we call a sustained breakout or impulsive advance. In an impulsive advance the market continues higher in an unimpeded fashion. We are skeptical that Gold will make a big breakout here and now but its a bull market … Continue reading

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Here’s Your Guide To Debunking Gold Bears

In this missive we reply to the supposed reasons against investing in Gold. Point: If you bought Gold in 1980, you were in the red for many years. In only two and a half months, Gold went from $400/oz to over $850/oz. Gold really began to takeoff in the second quarter of 1979 at a … Continue reading

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Why Gold and Gold Shares have Consolidated for Five Months

Yes Gold has been flirting with all-time highs. Sounds strong, right? Wrong. In reality, Gold has been in a consolidation or running correction since October of last year. In recent weeks Gold has flirted with all-time highs but hasn’t been able to achieve a sustained breakout. Meanwhile, as the chart shows, the gold stocks (GDX, … Continue reading

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Gold Stock Seasonality

Many analysts focus on the seasonality of Gold and Silver. Why? It plays out most of the time. The metals tend to peak in the late spring and then bottom in the early summer before moving into the sweet spot of the year. When researching seasonality, I came across this chart from that shows … Continue reading

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The Bull Market that Went Unnoticed

Yes, precious metals are actually in a bull market. If you actually polled the mainstream, you would find few that could even admit it. Its almost heresy if you come from a conventional background. As we now know, conventional thinking often fails miserably. Gold is in the 11th year of its bull market and conventional … Continue reading

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Checking in on Relative Gold

Relative Gold is also known as the real price of Gold. Its essentially a comparison of Gold against various asset classes. Why is this important? There are two reasons. First, the real price of gold tends to lead leverage performance (e.g the HUI/Gold ratio). Second, the real price of Gold often provides hints of the … Continue reading

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