Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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Gold Stocks are Underowned and Oversold but Need Catalyst

While Gold is only 2% from all time highs, the gold stocks have struggled and underperformed badly. This is reminiscent of 2008, although we don’t think a similar result is coming. The fact is as QE 2 ends and the failed recovery peaks, money is moving out of risk assets and into Bonds. Gold is … Continue reading

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Mark Hulbert: Gold Traders Strangely Subdued

Mark Hulbert’s HGNSI (a sentiment indicator) was 74% at the recent all-time high. Now it is only 20%. Gold has remained firm as most assets- including gold and silver shares, have declined. Consider the average recommended gold exposure among a subset of the shortest-term gold timers tracked by the Hulbert Financial Digest (as measured by … Continue reading

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Is this the Start of the New Round of Global Bailouts?

From Reuters: China to Clean Up Billions Worth of Local Debt China’s regulators plan to shift 2-3 trillion yuan ($308-463 billion) of debt off local governments, sources said, reducing the risk of a wave of defaults that would threaten the stability of the world’s second-biggest economy. As part of Beijing’s overhaul of the finances of … Continue reading

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Gold and Silver Shares Retest of 2010 Breakout Almost Complete

At the start of the year we wrote about what we could expect from the gold stocks and juniors over the first half of the year. All of these markets experienced significant multi-year breakouts in late 2010. This year called for a retest of those breakouts before the next advance would begin. We believed that … Continue reading

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Commodity Fund Flows

This data is a few months old but it remains important. It shows fund flows during Q4 2010 and Q1 2011. Energy and Agriculture have been the most popular sectors while precious and base metals have been the least popular. Source     [ad#TDG Premium 468×60]

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Gold Strengthens in Real Terms

My favorite form of technical analysis is intermarket analysis which is the comparison of various markets and sectors. All markets relate in one way or another. The current market cycle is being dominated by macro-related events. Since all markets have had a stronger link than in the past, it makes intermarket analysis very important. … Continue reading

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Gold Holds Support, Ready for Breakout in US$ and Euro Terms

While the financial media pronounced the end of the Commodities bull and the end of the Gold trade, the market didn’t listen. The financial media apparently forgot that there is no solution to the coming global sovereign debt crisis. Perhaps they just thought there wasn’t a crisis? Speculation aside, sovereign debt concerns are growing in … Continue reading

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Short Covering not Speculative Buying Led to Silver’s Parabolic Rise

Most mainstream pundits and reporters have assumed that it was speculative buying that caused Silver to go parabolic. After all, its always the dumb money or the public that gets in at the very end. However, in futures markets, parabolic moves are often the result of short squeezes. This is exactly what happened in Silver. … Continue reading

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