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The Next Breakout Charts in Gold & Silver

Gold has broken out from a super bullish cup and handle pattern. This breakout is historically significant as it has tremendously bullish implications over the next decade.    However, Gold breaking above $2100 is not quite a risk-off signal for the entire precious metals sector. At least not yet.   The breakout has started … Continue reading

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Gold’s Upside Potential in the Next 3 Years

I have focused on the coming secular shift in Gold and precious metals because it has massive implications over the coming years and into the 2030s.   However, I will discuss the cyclical potential of the current move in Gold today. With a strong close above $2100, Gold is in a new cyclical bull … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks Strongly Outperform After Gold Breakouts

The gold stocks have underperformed Gold for almost 20 years so it is extremely difficult to imagine they could outperform Gold.   There are three reasons for the underperformance, but with Gold’s major breakout, two will evaporate.   One reason for the underperformance is the introduction of Gold ETFs (like GLD) in the mid-2000s. … Continue reading

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Gold Cup & Handles Abound

I have written about Gold’s super bullish Cup & Handle Pattern multiple times over the last few years.   If you need to get up to speed, my most recent article on the cup and handle pattern is here.   Yesterday, Gold finally broke out from the handle and surged above $2100 to $2126. … Continue reading

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Ingredients for Huge Rally in Gold Stocks

Gold continues to hold above $2000/oz, but the gold stocks, which have failed to get any traction, grind lower as the stock market surges.   Apathy has set in as valuations and investor sentiment in gold stocks probe multi-year lows. In other words, the weakness of the last several quarters is more a result … Continue reading

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Precious Metals Remain in Secular Bear Market

We wrote that gold stocks are cheap and hated a few weeks ago.   You never could use those adjectives in a bull market.   Gold remains extremely close to a significant and historic breakout, but the sector as a whole is breaking down when measured against the stock market.   Below, we plot … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks are Cheap and Hated

This week, I published a video update evaluating whether gold stocks are cheap or undervalued. There is a difference. But I digress.   After publishing the video and reviewing the comments, my biggest takeaway was that gold stocks are hated.    After a nearly three-and-a-half-year-long bear market, one can imagine how investors and speculators feel … Continue reading

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Status of Gold’s Bullish Cup & Handle Pattern

I have been writing about Gold’s super bullish cup and handle pattern since 2021.   The pattern is super bullish because the handle consolidation of the past few years has transpired above the 38% retracement (around $1675/oz), and the peaks are above the peak from 2011 at the start of the pattern.    The … Continue reading

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Gold to Soar After Stock Market Blow-Off Top

I have been writing about this for years, but it bears repeating because many gold bugs deny or gloss over its reality.   Although Gold is hovering around all-time highs, the precious metals sector will remain in a secular bear market until the stock market and the economy crack.   Let’s review the historical … Continue reading

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Final Resistance for Gold & Silver

Gold has pulled back after a mini-blow-off on Monday that followed a new monthly and weekly all-time high.    It had cleared monthly resistance at $2000 and weekly resistance near $2030 before surging intraday to over $2100. Gold has settled in the $2000s with strong support, around $2000.   Although Gold has not broken … Continue reading

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