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The Move in Gold Stocks is Just Starting

Gold stocks are entering a sweet spot.   In recent months, we have written about how gold stocks outperform Gold after breakouts in the Gold price. This has transpired since March.   However, in the past two weeks, the miners began to lead Gold, although Gold had yet to break out of its consolidation.    … Continue reading

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Next Leg Higher in Gold is Major Inflection Point

History will reflect on Gold’s breakout in March from a 13-year cup and handle pattern as extremely significant and the major turning point for a new secular bull market in precious metals.   However, Gold has yet to break out in real terms.   A breakout and strength in real terms is imperative for … Continue reading

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Historical Comparisons for Gold Right Now

Gold has made six major breakouts since the end of the Gold Standard in 1971.    Only two of the breakouts retested the breakout. Those two were the two previous breakouts to new all-time highs: 1978 and 2009.    Precious Metals are weakening ahead of the end of the month and quarter. The odds of … Continue reading

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Like Exploration? Buy Gold & Silver Producers

  When most people think of juniors, they think about exploration companies and drill plays.   The appeal of these stocks is their huge upside potential. One drill hole can change everything and make you rich.   However, the odds of success are extremely low. There are thousands of failures for every monumental success, … Continue reading

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The Next Big Breakout in Gold

A few months ago, Gold completed what, in time, will be viewed as the biggest Gold breakout in 50 years.    It does not get any bigger or more significant than a breakout from a 13-year cup and handle pattern. The implications are incredibly bullish over the next few years and the next decade. … Continue reading

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Gold & Silver Bull Analogs

Gold and Silver especially closed the week higher, with Silver surging to above $31/oz while Gold closed at a weekly higher high, above $2400/oz.   Gold is building on its cup and handle breakout, which has a measured upside target of $2900-$3000/oz.   Silver is gaining strength after breaking resistance at $29-$30/oz. This is … Continue reading

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Everything You Need to Know About Gold Stocks

After the introduction of Gold and Silver ETFs and a 13-year secular bear market, everyone knows gold miners suck. Just ask Hugh Hendry.   But the truth is far more nuanced.   Here is almost everything you need to know, divided into a list.     1) Gold Stocks are Options on the Gold … Continue reading

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Gold & Silver Will Soar When Stocks Crash

The precious metals sector performed poorly during the last three bear markets in stocks. Those include 2022 during initial Fed tightening, the Covid crash of spring 2020, and the heart of the global financial crisis in autumn 2008.   Investors steadfastly believe that precious metals will decline during the next economic downturn. History has solidified … Continue reading

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Gold Corrections After Major Breakouts

Gold has reached the first of a handful of measured upside targets at $2350.   It has another measured upside target of $2350 and the cup and handle targets of roughly $3000 and $4000.   Many observers will naturally worry about the next correction after unexpected and sudden strength. It is almost a knee-jerk … Continue reading

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The Next Breakout Charts in Gold & Silver

Gold has broken out from a super bullish cup and handle pattern. This breakout is historically significant as it has tremendously bullish implications over the next decade.    However, Gold breaking above $2100 is not quite a risk-off signal for the entire precious metals sector. At least not yet.   The breakout has started … Continue reading

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