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Rick Rule’s Top 3 Criteria for Gold & Silver Stocks

With Gold approaching the door of a major breakout, I want to focus on the gold and silver stocks and stock selection.   The miners and juniors have disappointed investors because Gold has performed well in recent years but has not increased enough relative to costs. Outside of Gold, the precious metals sector remains in … Continue reading

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Gold and Silver Bottom

There may be no better time to take stock of Gold and Silver technicals after a weekly, monthly, and quarterly close on the same day.   Precious Metals have been correcting for nearly two months and have struggled as capital has flowed out of bonds and into equities. That means a tighter Fed and … Continue reading

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Gold Market Will Turn When This Happens

I have written about the importance of a bear market, recession, and Fed shift for a Gold bull market. But today, I want to be more precise.   There has to be a potential tipping point that precedes these catalysts.    Markets anticipate the near future and slowly discount it as it becomes a … Continue reading

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The 3 Best Historical Comparisons for Gold

Our last article compared Gold today with the stock market in the early 1980s.   Today we draw some comparisons between the Gold market at present and the Gold market at various points in the past.   Gold’s status today fits elements of three past situations.   Gold is on the cusp of a … Continue reading

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Gold is Where Stock Market was in Early 1980s

Although Gold has pulled back and its latest breakout attempt failed, it remains fairly close to the most significant Gold breakout in 50 years and the most significant macro breakout since the S&P 500 broke out in 2013.   However, generalist investors and generalist technicians are more enthusiastic about the recovery in the stock … Continue reading

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Gold & Silver Correction Before Macro Catalyst

Bank failures coupled with the anticipation of the Fed pivot pushed Gold to new monthly and quarterly highs, but the breakout move through $2,100/oz has remained elusive.    Multiple failures around $2050/oz and a rebound in the Dollar and bond yields are sending precious metals lower.   Moreover, a small breakout in the stock market … Continue reading

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Gold Miners Follow This, Not Gold

In a short-term and cyclical sense, gold miners and junior gold stocks follow the Gold price. However, beyond the short-term, gold miners follow the “real” price of Gold because it is a better indicator of long-term gold miner profitability than the nominal Gold price.   By the “real” price of Gold, we are talking … Continue reading

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Best Junior Miners to Own in Gold Bull

Gold is inches away from its biggest breakout in 50 years and the start of a new secular bull market. It may have already happened by the time you read this.   Gold is also beginning a new cyclical bull market with strong potential to soar to $4000-$5000 over the next several years.    Any … Continue reading

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Gold Bulls: Stop Fearing 2008 Boogeyman

Gold is on the cusp of its biggest breakout in 50 years.    Sure, the weak dollar has helped, but Gold is incredibly strong in real terms.   Gold against foreign currencies recently hit new all-time highs. Gold against Bonds is at multi-year highs, and Gold against the stock market recently hit a 2-year … Continue reading

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More Upside in Gold & Silver Stocks

Although Gold put in a bearish reversal on Friday and failed to breakout, do not expect the sector (and miners specifically) to begin a significant correction.   When I say significant, I mean something that would last more than a few days or a few weeks.    Bull markets often register overbought conditions. Strong … Continue reading

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