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Precious Metals Test Initial Resistance

The precious metals sector, after failing to breakdown has enjoyed a strong rally in recent weeks. Gold, Silver and junior gold miners (GDXJ) have reached their 200-day moving averages with senior miners (GDX) close behind. While this is a positive development it does not yet signal that the sector is embarking on a new bull … Continue reading

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Gold/Equities Ratios are Starting to Breakout

The vicious and ever enduring bear market in precious metals has coincided, amid a strong negative correlation, with a bull market in equities. The negative correlation is nothing new as it occurred and persisted from 1973 through 1978 and also from 1996 through 2002. We’ve said Gold could not begin a new bull market until … Continue reading

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Bull Trap or Bottom in Gold and Gold Stocks?

As we know, Gold and gold mining stocks have been trapped in a bear market that has been severe in both price and duration. It is seemingly a “forever” bear market as rebounds and recoveries have been followed by lower prices and more devastation. The Fed-induced strength of this week is giving bulls some hope. … Continue reading

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Precious Metals Final Flush Beginning

While turmoil in global capital markets may ultimately benefit the precious metals sector, it certainly is not an immediate catalyst. As global markets have weakened in recent days so too have precious metals and precious metals companies. The gold miners are nearing recent lows ahead of conventional markets while the recoveries in Gold and Silver … Continue reading

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