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Want Leverage to Gold and Silver? Avoid the Large-Caps

Days ago I was watching Peter Schiff on Yahoo Tech Ticker. Normally, I find myself in agreement with Schiff. This time, however I disagreed with his comments on the gold stocks. He was saying to buy GDX because the large-cap stocks were priced for a decline in Gold. He also said the speculative juniors were … Continue reading

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Institutional Money Hasn’t Participated in Recent Gold Advance

In regards to technical analysis, we usually discuss (in our public commentaries) price patterns, intermarket relationships and sentiment. I can’t remember I wrote something about volume. This may be the first. Volume can be interpreted in a number of ways which can make it less reliable in my opinion. However, in today’s commentary we want … Continue reading

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GDXJ Update

GDXJ has measured targets of $36.50 and $39.00. The first target was hit yesterday. Will GDXJ reach $39.00 or will it backtrack to previous resistance at $32.00? In any case, know your plan. If GDXJ snapsback to $32.00 to retest the breakout then that would be an opportune time to add to positions, especially if … Continue reading

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The Contrarian Call on Gold

Numerous recent busts (technology, banks, internet, oil, stocks, etc) have given rise to the principle of contrarian investing. Contrarians seek to buy when sentiment is bearish or when a market is completely ignored. They seek to sell when a market is overpriced or overvalued. The problem nowadays is that everyone has bubble fatigue. The herd … Continue reading

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Another Catalyst for Gold & Silver Shares?

If you’ve followed our work you know how useful intermarket analysis can be when deciphering future movements and trends in the precious metals complex. Years ago when I would analyze Gold I would only follow Gold. Now I am aware of a wealth of markets that can be analyzed, which can help provide an outlook … Continue reading

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Premium Sample: Silver Juniors Remain Undervalued

Below is a chart of our junior silver index, which contains 10 stocks. Today, Silver closed above $22, slightly above its 2008 high. The cost of Oil is well below where it was when the silver stocks last peaked. Yet, the junior silver stocks are roughly 25% below their highs. In terms of real value, … Continue reading

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The Daily Gold Podcast Episode 8

We talked with Trace Mayer, JD of runtogold.com. Trace is an expert in money and monetary systems. He provides his perspective from a different angle than most of today’s analysts and we think you will enjoy it. Learn more about his book, The Great Credit Contraction.

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Don’t Get Shaken Off the Gold Bull

The question now is not whether Gold will go higher or not. Most of us know the primary trend is higher and will continue in the years ahead. The real question is three-fold. Are you invested? How much are you invested? Will you hold on? Going forward, as the bull strengthens and as more come … Continue reading

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The Daily Gold Podcast #7

In episode 7, Dave Skarica and Trendsman discuss the short-term outlook in the precious metals sector and in particular, Silver, Juniors, the US Dollar and potential political dynamics.

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Gold/Silver Ratio Analysis

The Gold/Silver ratio has just broken in favor of Silver. In other words, the ratio has broken to the downside. This development along with persistent strength in Gold has prompted the mainstream gurus and “experts” to talk up Silver. We’ve been writing about the potential in Silver on more than one occasion. See here and … Continue reading

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