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Gold Stock Seasonality

Why have gold stocks been weak? Lest we forget, they follow a typical seasonal pattern. Which Gold Stocks should you be looking at? Subscribe to our service….you get a free 14-day trial!

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Premium Gold/Silver Webinar

My publishers and I, this Sunday, will be hosting a two hour webinar talking all things Gold & Silver. Here is the outline for the webinar:

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More Clueless Mainstream Commentary on Gold

Once again we see another bearish piece on Gold in the WSJ. Rather than attack the author personally, we want to illustrate how the article is another example of the lack of any quality gold commentary both in general and in mainstream publications. First, its important to note why you won’t see much quality gold-related … Continue reading

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Free Gold/Silver Webinar!

My publishers and I will be hosting a CME-Sponsored Webinar. It is free and you can signup here. [ad#Webinar-sidebar] Here is a final list of the webinar outline: Part I: History & Background Gold is Money Silver is Money Gold/Silver Ratio Current Monetary System Part II: Today’s Gold Market Gold Historical Price Silver Historical Price … Continue reading

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Gold’s Value Based on Money Supply

Courtesy of Bruce Pile and Dollar Daze, is this chart, which shows the backing of the monetary base in terms of the Gold held by the US. Note that 100% would mean that the money supply is 100% backed by the price of gold (at that time). The two bull markets in Gold peaked at … Continue reading

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Gold & Gold Stocks are the Last Hope for Most

Tell this to a baby boomer or a middle aged person and they would be quite skeptical. Their neighborhood financial advisor or planner doesn’t advocate Gold. It is too dangerous. It could drop to $500. Gold stocks? Hell no! After failing to get you out of stocks not once but twice in the last ten … Continue reading

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Debunking Deflationist Myths & Scare Tactics About Gold

Haven’t you heard? As I type this, the US and other world economies are supposedly in nothing but increasing deflationary pressures that will not be able to be stopped by any government or central banker no matter how much stimulus or money printing they decide on doing! At least that’s what many of the talking … Continue reading

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Time to Focus on Silver

It is not exactly groundbreaking analysis to say that whats good for Gold is generally good for Silver. As observers of the precious metals know, Silver tends to lag Gold but eventually catch up quickly. In the long-term sense, Silver is still a year or two behind Gold as Gold has broken above all resistance … Continue reading

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Gold Stock Fundamentals Now versus 2008

Escalating sovereign debt problems in Europe has prompted some to wonder if another “Lehman” type collapse is on the horizon. As a result, some precious metals observers have grown cautious, fearing a replay of the events of two years ago. While it is always prudent to be cautious with an extremely volatile sector like the … Continue reading

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