Morris Hubbart

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Gold and Precious Metals Update

Gold and Precious Metals US Dollar Chart US Dollar Analysis: The Dollar rally has been plagued by distribution volume, and now looks like it will rally only slightly higher before declining again! Study the volume on my chart.  The power volume of this move is happening on dollar selling!  Big Volume equals Big Money Flows. … Continue reading

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Weekly Market Update Excerpt

Gold and Precious Metals Gold Bullion.  6 Month Price Chart. Super Force Gold Bullion Analysis: Gold has a solid Super Force Buy Signal as of Friday Nov. 12th  and has moved much higher for you since I issued my key buy. Gold is proving more and more to be the most valued asset.  Although some … Continue reading

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Use Gold Technicals To Build Core Positions Now

Gold Bullion.  6 Month Price Chart Super Force Gold Bullion Analysis: Gold has a Super Force Buy Signal as of Friday Nov. 12th on SGOL at $135.41 and $131.70 is also a buy.  Sell at $141.73. Bullion equivalent buy price:  $1354.  Nov. 12 Bullion sell price:  $1417. Bullion buy price: $1317. I see Gold going … Continue reading

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Weekly Market Update Excerpt

Gold and Precious Metals Gold Bullion 6 month chart Super Force Signals Gold Bullion Analysis Gold has a Super Force Buy Signal as of Friday Nov. 12th . Note the latest recommendations from the Super Force Signals: Buy: 135.41 via SGOL Nov. 12 Sell: 141.73 via SGOL. Buy: 131.70 via SGOL. The “bullion equivalent” buy: … Continue reading

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