Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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Dave Skarica 3/13

Dave and I talk about what the heck is going on with the gold stocks. David Skarica is the founder and Editor of the newsletter Addicted to Profits and is launching an investment newsletter with the conservative media outlet Newsmax. Skarica entered the financial markets at a young age. At the age of 18 he … Continue reading

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A Need for Updated Gold Stock Indices

The underperformance of gold stocks was a hot topic at PDAC and continues to dominate discussion in industry circles. As to why the sector is underperforming, we hear numerous reasons. The conspiracy crowd will claim manipulation or hedge fund shorting. More well-reasoned thoughts include the struggle of large miners to adequately replace reserves and grow … Continue reading

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My Interview with WallStforMainSt 3/9

Click the link below for our 30 minute interview with WallstforMainst. We discuss the equity market, Oil, Gold, Inflation, consolidation in the miners and gold miners technical condition. Interview here  

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Gold Remains in Consolidation

With Gold’s failure at $1800, it should be obvious that the market is in a protracted consolidation. This is actually similar to 2006-2007 and it is something we wrote about in a missive in early January. At the time, Gold had bottomed and had the luxury of very strong support nearby. We believed Gold would … Continue reading

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Small Cap Gold Stocks Successfully Retest 2010 Breakout

When one speaks of gold stocks they should be more specific as the sector is diverse. The term Gold stocks usually refers to the large unhedged producers. Indices such as the HUI or GDX track these stocks and are a proxy for the gold stock universe. However, most companies in the sector are much smaller. … Continue reading

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My Interview with Kerry Lutz 2-23

Kerry Lutz of the Financial Survival Network interviewed me about my editorial on Warren Buffet. Please go here to listen to the interview.

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Despite Obvious Signs of Recovery, Inflation Marches On

Despite obvious signs of economic recovery, including the brisk demand for ‘big ticket’ machine tools as noted on the blog yesterday, seasonally and non-seasonally adjusted jobless claims improving, a constructive Silver-Gold Ratio (SGR, chart below), implying improving general market liquidity with SGR’s proximity to major support that NFTRH has been following for the last couple of months; despite these positive … Continue reading

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Gold Stocks Nearing End of Wall of Worry Stage

Over the past few months we’ve analyzed gold stocks from a historical perspective. We’ve compared this bull market to the past bull market as well as historical bull markets in equities. We’ve found that nothing is out of the ordinary. Gold stocks are not being manipulated. In fact, this bull market is actually ahead of … Continue reading

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Meadow Bay Drills 56.39 m of 3.93 g/t Au at Atlanta

MEADOW BAY GOLD REPORTS DRILL RESULTS INCLUDING 56 METERS OF 3.9 G/T GOLD FROM ATLANTA GOLD PORPHRY AND 105 METERS OF 2 G/T GOLD IN SHEAR ZONE IN NEVADA Meadow Bay Gold Corp. has provided assay results from five reverse circulation and one core drill hole at its Atlanta gold mine project, Lincoln county, … Continue reading

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Buffet Mischaracterizes Gold’s Bull Market

Once again, someone famous and once again Warren Buffet is dismissing Gold. In comparing it to the bubbles in housing and Internet stocks, he feels he’ll ultimately be vindicated. In his annual letter to shareholders, Buffet trashed Gold as a bubble that is being driven by fear of other asset classes. He believes that those … Continue reading

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