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Protected: 2011 Precious Metals Outlook (Subscribers Only)
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The bull market in Gold is in its 12th year (globally it began in 1999) but has yet to exhibit any “bubble-like” conditions. In fact, we still see many people referring to this bull market as “the Gold trade,” as if its an aberration that needs to be reversed or corrected. That aside, we know … Continue reading
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Gold is stuck between a bottom of $1310 and resistance at $1350. It has tested $1350 six of the past seven trading days. Should it breakthrough then we’d turn our focus to $1380 as the next key resistance. Silver is performing better. It held $26.50 last week (clear support dating back to November) and has … Continue reading
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Standard & Poors cut Japan’s debt rating while Moody’s warned that the USA’s triple-A rating was at risk. The IMF had harsh words for both nations. The report is from “In advanced economies where fiscal sustainability has not been a market concern, credible plans going well beyond 2011 need to be put in place … Continue reading
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Back to gold bullion, BCA Research argues that it is hard to make the case that gold is currently “a crowded trade”. Many institutional and retail investors agree with the gold bull case but….
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Dave Skarica joined me to discuss Gold and the gold stocks and the possibility of a bottom in the coming days. This was recorded Monday evening. David Skarica is the founder and Editor of the newsletter Addicted to Profits and is the editor of a Gold service published by Newsmax. Skarica entered the financial markets … Continue reading
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There are many ways to measure market sentiment. We use surveys, put-call ratios, fund flows data and for commodities especially, the commitment of traders reports (COT). Lately, we’ve noted the improving sentiment picture for Gold. As a market weakens sentiment will naturally become less bullish. In this case, sentiment has weakened considerably yet Gold is … Continue reading
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In covering the gold sector for my premium subscribers, I have noticed something lately. The large-caps really suck! Ok, that is harsh but it is the truth. In the chart below I show the large-cap indices. What do you see? The Dow Jones Precious Metals Index hasn’t gone anywhere for five years, while Gold has … Continue reading
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This chart comes from Babak at TradersNarrative: The premium in GTU has dipped into the red for the first time since October 2010 and prior to that, late 2008. This is positive as it shows optimism is now quite low, if there is any.
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An upward sloping consolidation in Gold that began in October has, despite a lack of any real losses, been enough to improve various sentiment indicators. Mark Hulbert of MarketWatch gives an update on his Gold sentiment indicator: Consider the average recommended gold market exposure among a subset of short-term gold market timers tracked by the … Continue reading