Jordan Roy-Byrne CMT, MFTA

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Strong Evidence of an Important Low in Gold Stocks

Two weeks ago we proclaimed a major bottom could be imminent in the precious metals sector. Our basis for making the prediction was that the metals and shares were extremely oversold, breadth indicators were at 2008 levels, sentiment was contrarian bullish and markets were nearing areas of strong support. In this missive we review the … Continue reading

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Tiho Brkan analyzes Gold short, medium and long-term

Tiho Brkan is author of the ShortSideofLong Blog, which is a trading diary. Tiho is a fund manager and also runs a small mining company. His blog is one of the best finance and trading blogs on the web.     MP3 File: [podcast][/podcast]

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Greg Weldon 5-22

Greg Weldon analyzes Gold and how it could be affected both positively and negatively by macroeconomic events and policy. Learn more about Greg’s work and research here.  Weldon Financial was founded by Gregory Weldon in 1997, and is recognized within the industry as one of the top macro-research firms in the world. Greg Weldon started … Continue reading

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The Real Price of Gold Holds the Cards for Gold and Gold Shares

We often write about the real price of gold (RPG) as it is a leading macro indicator and leading indicator for gold stock fundamentals. The RPG is simply a measurement of Gold in terms of various markets such as commodities, stocks or currencies. If the RPG is broadly outperforming then it could be signaling credit … Continue reading

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John Brynjolffson 5/16

John Brynjolfsson discusses Gold and how it will be impacted in the short and long term by the ongoing crisis in Europe as well as potential policy responses from the Fed and ECB. John Brynjolfsson, CFA, is the founder & managing director of Armored Wolf. He oversees all investment activity at Armored Wolf. He is an … Continue reading

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Bottom in, but is it September 2008 or October 2008?

We began the week by making a ballsy prediction about the precious metals complex. We believed a major bottom could happen this week. In the wake of the European debt crisis and potential “credit events,” the precious metals became extremely oversold based on a number of metrics. Technically, we saw that Gold and Silver were … Continue reading

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Major Bottom in Precious Metals Could Occur This Week

Normally catching a bottom is not difficult. Bottoms tend to occur instantly while market tops form during a process. Yet, I’ve found that bottoms of long-term significance do not occur instantly. Like tops, they can take time to develop. For example, think about late 2008 to early 2009. Commodities hit their price low in December … Continue reading

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